Just letting you all know that the project Nami is still in full drive! I've been working on the usual scenery/ animation and what not. I have underestimated how long this might take (again) because I'm adding more scenes needed to fit the animatic, so it'll be pushed back even a couple more months. I've completed the rough draft for the script of the 2nd episode, which involves 5 characters so far. i have 3 voice-actors pending, so there maybe room for 1-2 more. If interested, post a high quality link demonstrating your mastery of voice! I have also been working on a website with the help of a programmer friend, and it's looking sweet! (can't show you pictures though). I'm holding back on showing much of anything else. Currently working on different architectures for future scenes, as well as character models. Please keep current with the links posted below my front page. Thanks again Newgrounds, and enjoy the beginning of summer!