Hiya NG,
100 FANS! YES. Humbly thank you guys for the awesome support. As a celebration, I'm now working on a teaser trailer for episode 2 of my animation. Hopefully I'll drop it out around the end of June. Quick post letting everyone know (if you don'd follow me on my other social media) I'm not deceased lol. Good to be back on here every once in a while!
These last 2 years has been quite a shift for me. I'm using GIMP, Krita, and Blender for most of my background painting, photo manipulation, and video editing. Yep. That's right. I didn't know Blender had the ability to edit video...so I'm dropping After Effects and Photoshop, but will still stay subscribed to Adobe Animate until I can fully grasp OpenToonz. (Blender below)
Until then, take it easy and have a good weekend! (EST)
CrabbWalker (Updated )
Ha welp short lived XD